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2013 Statistics

In the last year we have given away sleeping bags, fleece tops, and other items to people on the streets either directly or through our steadily increasing group of partners. These are the numbers.


628 Sleeping Bags
158 Fleeces
162 Bags Of Hope


Over 1,500 Sleeping Bags Distributed


Over 1,500 Sleeping Bags Distributed

Since we began, over 1,530 sleeping bags have been given to needy homeless people in and around London. They are in popular demand and many new people turn up each week at Church Without Walls in Westminster and llford.

A couple of recipients have walked many miles to these outreach posts to obtain a life- saving sleeping bag. A member of the team prays with each person as they receive a bag and we have seen many answers to prayer.



Starter Packs

We have been continuing with our support for starter packs for the newly housed. Ron is doing an amazing job, supplying essential items for new homes. AUOS continue to supply toasters and kettles for each starter pack and Church Without Walls Ilford supply a set of saucepans, along with other second hand items that have been donated. In all, ten starter packs have been given out since Christmas. Some of the recipients are regularly attending church in Ilford and one has asked to be baptised.



Sleeping bag total reaches nearly 400

Once again, the cold weather is beginning to move in and we are seeing more demand for our arctic-grade sleeping bags and ex-army fleeces. With this in mind, the ‘bag team’ has been preparing stock ready to send out as the need increases. These are stored at the ‘depot’ at Moor Lane Church. As we approach our first anniversary as a charity, the number of sleeping bags distributed has now reached nearly 400! A big thanks to everyone involved in this vital part of the ministry. Your work is much appreciated.


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Free gospels for the homeless

We have managed to negotiate an amazing deal on gospels and tracts to be given out free with each sleeping bag. This will help to explain clearly to the recipients of our services why we are doing this work. Our thanks to the donors who made this possible.

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Sleeping bag total reaches 191

At the recent trustees meeting, it was announced that we have now distributed 191 sleeping bags to rough sleepers in and around London. Ann of Church-without-walls, Ilford added that this has saved so many lives this winter. The Above us only sky? sleeping bags are becoming a common sight in some areas of London and one even made a guest appearance on the ITN news!

Everyone who has received a sleeping bag knows that this is a gift from God and many are seeking to know more of the Christian faith as a result. Please continue to pray that these men and women will come to saving faith in Jesus Christ as a result of the love that has been shown to them.


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Starter packs for the newly housed

Work has recommenced on starter packs, with four newly-housed members of Church-without-walls being provided with bedding, crockery, cutlery, kettles, toasters, pots, pans and other essential items. Grants are available for larger household items, but these smaller essentials can be very costly and this is a great way to settle people in to their new homes. We are planning to develop this aspect of the work and are looking into possibilities for storage of donated items.

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