Donation received from former sleeping bag recipient

We still hear stories each week from grateful recipients of our sleeping bags, some of whom have owned an original AUOS sleeping bag for over two years! Recently at Ilford, one of our trustees was told: ‘It’s great! I get in my sleeping bag and I’m in another world….’ This is the message we are receiving on a regular basis from those who benefit from one of our sleeping bags.

Last year, we helped a Romanian homeless man with a sleeping bag and other support. We heard no more from him for some time. This is not unusual and we are often left to wonder whether they have found their feet again or whether events have taken a turn for the worse. However, on this occasion, we were delighted to see him again at Church Without Walls, Westminster, when he turned up to thank us for helping him. He now has a home and a job. The outcome was good for him. He told us, “I wanted to come and thank you personally for the difference you made in my life. I have been saving up for some time and would like to donate this money to your work here.” It was a gift for £170.

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